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Register To Get Tips About Credit & Financial Planning By Signing Up Today


Individuals and Businesses that have a detailed plan and execute on that plan have a higher chance of success than those that do not have a plan put in place. Put yourself in the best position by sitting with one of our professionals today. 

We educate individuals and companies with proven methods and strategies that helps get your life and business to the next level. Having a strong financial and business plan is a key factor to next level success. Without an established plan compares to running a race blindfolded. 

Avoid unnecessary failures by sitting with one of our professionals today. As mentioned in the established section and running a race blindfolded; you can be working extremely hard and burn yourself out and remove the blindfold and realized you didn't have much progress.








One of my slogans is "Why Suffer In Silence? I Can Help!" So many people waist years of their life not having a personal nor business plan. Some may not even know what they want to do or become in general. I'm a Certified Financial Education Instructor, that takes pride in helping making peoples dreams become a reality! I'm a firm believer that dreams can come true, but sometimes it requires some help or encouragement from others with experience and a proven track record. 


Most successful people are action takers, and I believe the action step for you is Getting Started Today! Procrastination is a major factor of most of peoples failure. We do so much damage to ourselves and our life by procrastinating. You deserve to accomplish your goals and your hearts desire and we're here to help make that dream a reality.

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The Super Boss Mentorship Program consist of personally selected group of individuals to help get their finances, life and businesses to the new levels.  With everything this program offers, it's valued over $47,000, however for participants attending The Wealth Building Conference, I discounted the Program $10,000 reducing the price to only $37,000. This special price is exclusive for only 5 selected individuals that register today! The initial nonrefundable deposit of $2,000 secures your spot unless the 5 spots have been taken.




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Initial Deposit of $2,000  (Valued Over $47,000) Remaining payment of $35,000 to be wired

$10,000 Discounted Saving (LIMITED TIME ONLY)


Get detailed training and direct access to "The Credit King" himself Mr. Berry, which is a Certified Financial Education Instructure. I will be teaching in detail, how I created and build several successful companies. I also will show you how I created a solid Financial Foundation and built wealth to secure a legacy to past down for generations to come. I'm excited to be a blessing to a selective group of individuals that's ready to make their Dreams Become a Reality and get their life and business to new levels.



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Initial Deposit of $2,000  (Valued Over $37,000) Remaining payment of $25,000 to be wired!

$10,000 Discounted Saving (LIMITED TIME ONLY)


In this mentorship program, you'll learn critical information needed to make sure you properly setup your company to put yourself in position to receive business funding from lenders to assist with your financial needs to qualify for working capital your business may need. I'll also teach you on how I obtained millions of dollars in funding. You'll also receive personally built spreadsheets to help manage and track budgeting, invoicing, profit & loss sheet, personal financial budget sheet and much more. 



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1-Time Payment of only $997  (Regular Price $2500)

$1,503 Discounted Saving  (LIMITED TIME ONLY)


In this course you will learn exactly how I build a successful Car Rental Company with a large fleet of Exotic and Luxury vehicles to generate passive income while giving me access to drive any car I desire all paid for by other people. You will also get a copy of my well thought out and designed spreadsheet which list everything you need to list to successfully tract your fleet and the businesses progress. 



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1-Time Payment of only $997  (Regular Price $2500)

$1,503 Discounted Saving  (LIMITED TIME ONLY)


In this course you'll learn in detail how to start and manage an Airbnb business. I'll educate you on how to secure rental properties, best locations, ways to capitalize on your rental profit and much more. I'll also teach you tricks on how to win yourself over with property owners who's in need of getting renters in the their property. You'll also learn how to determine how to properly price your unit as well as the most financial benefit on furnishing the unit as well. 



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1-Time Payment of only $2000  (Regular Price $4000)

$2,000 Discounted Saving  (LIMITED TIME ONLY)


In this course you will learn exactly how I to build a Strong Personal & Business Profile to help position yourself and business for funding that in return provides the recourses needed to get your life and business to new levels. I will also teach you how to systemize your company so that you can grow it without consuming all your personal time. 


Reviving Dreams Consulting is a comprehensive company, specializing in personal and business strategies, financial planning, business structure, organization, wealth planning, training courses and much more. Our primary focus is to assist others in the revival of their vision and dreams. Everyone has hopes and dreams of success that sometimes get crushed by society, bad decisions, or lack of knowledge. Our mission is to provide the knowledge; coupled with specialized personal planning to take your personal life or business to the level you have always dreamed of. 


Our team of experts have experience and success record of helping clients build a strong financial foundation. The value of a personally designed plan or strategy for  your business and or life is critical to your success. Take the guess work out of assuming that you're doing what you're suppose to be doing by sitting with someone who specialize in planning. Choosing to work with Reviving Dreams Consulting at our special prices is the right and best decision for you and your company.

I'm excited for what the future holds for you and your business by my team and I working with your company to help set up systems, processes, management tools and train you on how to properly operate and track the details of your specific business goals.


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Derick Berry (CFEI)

  Mr. Derick Berry is a Certified Financial Education Instructor known as (The Wealth Connect).  Our company is on a mission to educate people, which specializes in Business Strategy, Retirement Planning, Creating Business Plans, Personal & Business Funding, and Business Consulting.  We sincerely care about our clients and customer satisfaction, so we work tirelessly to make sure you have a fresh start with changing your financial situation for the better.  Change first starts with a vision, secondly a plan, then taking action.  Reviving Dreams Consulting is here to "Make Your Dreams Become Reality." 


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